1-4 World Full of Haggis 7" (1992 Zentrum)
5-6 Cornfield Girl 7" (1993 Screwball)
7 Haggis/Life After Johnny split 7" (1994 Screwball)
8 Encyclopedia of Post Punk Hits compilation CD (1994
9 Bugzine compilation cassette (1995 Screwball)
10-11 Wade Free Wherever compilation CD (1995 Schtuff)
12 Step Into It? 10" (1995 Bilharziose)
13 Drunk and Disorderly compilation 7" (1995 PunCrock)
14 20 Bands Trash 20 Songs to Find the Way to Sesame Street
compilation LP (1995 Bun Length)
15 12 Songs You Won't Like By 12 Bands You've Never Heard
of from Boise, Idaho compilation LP (1996 Spudtown)
16 Wood Panel Pacer Wagon with Mags compilation LP (1996
Too Many)
17 10 Things Zine compilation CD (1997 10 Things)
18 Liverache: Tales from the Liver's Edge compilation
LP (1997 Very Small)
19 Coolidge 50 compilation CD (1998 Coolidge)